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Subject2.6.32 build problem on Mint 8 (kubuntu-9.10 i86-x64)

I just tried to build 2.6.32 for for that Mint 8 install by using mc to copy
the src's over, then did a "chown -R gene:gene linux-*", cd'd into the tree
and typed 'make xconfig' but it errors out, can't find the qt-mt stuff
installed on the *buntu's.

The I tried a 'make menuconfig' which also quits quickly because it can't
find the ncurses stuff either.

At this point, maybe I should have tried as root rather than as a common
user, me, but I'm told its better not to build this stuff as root.

I took some pix, where should I post them?

Cheers, Gene
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