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SubjectRe: [PATCH] move eject code from zd1211rw to usb-storage
Stefan Seyfried schrieb:
> But given that there is already an "option_zero_cd" parameter in

> usb-storage, it should be easy to massage this into a general "do not
> eject virtual installer media" flag so that people are still able to
> get the windows driver files off their devices should they need to do
> so.
>> I'd like to see these devices removed from unusual_devs.h.
> I'd like them to work with one driver, not two (one in kernel and one
> in userspace).

The more basic arguments that prevailed at the last time such an
"eject" command was being considered for inclusion into usb-storage

1. Userspace can obviously react a lot quicker than kernel space to
new or changed devices popping up.

2. Userspace works with older kernels immediately.

> That's a fundamental difference in opinions, and I fear I'm not the one
> who is going to decice how this will be handled ;)

Neither am I. But the number of known mode-switching USB devices is
now at around 50. New ones are arriving by the month or even week.

A decision to handle *all of them* in usb-storage would lead to the
disadvantages pointed out.

A decision to handle just *some of them* can hardly be made
plausible if there are no immediate technical reasons.

Oh, and in most cases (including your suggestion) there *are*
already two drivers necessary to make these devices work,
independent of where the switching is happening ...

> Have fun,

You too!

Man is the only creature on earth enabled to take a
warm meal while flying! Loriot

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