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SubjectGRU driver feedback

Hi Jack,

Some review of the GRU driver. Hope it helps. Some trivial.

- I would put all the driver into a single patch. It's a logical change,
and splitting them out is not really logical. Unless for example you
start with a minimally functional driver and build more things on it,
I don't think there is any point avoiding the one big patch. You have to
look at the whole thing to understand it properly anyway really.

Although I guess you could leave the kernel API parts in another patch
and maybe even leave them out until you have a good user of them...

- GRU driver -- gru_intr finds mm to fault pages from, does an "atomic pte
lookup" which looks up the pte atomically using similar lockless pagetable
walk from get_user_pages_fast. This only works because it can guarantee page
table existence by disabling interrupts on the CPU where mm is currently
running. It looks like atomic pte lookup can be run on mms which are not
presently running on the local CPU. This would have been noticed if it had
been using a specialised function in arch/*/mm/gup.c, because it would not
have provided an mm_struct parameter ;)

- Which leads me to my next observation, the GRU TLB fault code _really_ would
like to work the same way as the CPU's fault handler, and that is to
synchronously enter the kernel and run in process context of the faulting
task. I guess we can't do this because the GRU isn't going to be accessing
pages synchronously as the commands are sent to it, right? I guess you could
have a kernel thread to handle GRU faults... but that could get into fairness
and parallelism issues, and also wouldn't be able to take advantage of
lockless pagetable walking either (although maybe they're not such a big deal?
I imagine that asking the user process to call into the kernel to process
faults isn't optimal either). Is there a completely different approach that
can be taken? Ideally we want the

- "options" in non-static scope? Please change. Putting gru in any global
symbols should be enough.

- gru_prefetch -- no users of this. This isn't intended to fault in a user
virtual address, is it? (we already have generic kernel functions to do this).
But as it isn't used, it may as well go away. And you have to remember if
you need page tables set up then they can be torn down again at any time.
Oh, maybe it is for possible vmalloc addresses? If so, then OK but please

- start_instruction, wait_instruction_complete etc -- take a void pointer
which is actually a pointer to one of a number of structures with a specific
first int. Ugly. Don't know what the preferred form is, it's probably
something device writers have to deal with. Wouldn't something like this
be better for typing?

typedef unsigned int gru_insn_register_t; /* register with cmd bit as lsb */
struct context_configuration_handle {
union {
gru_insn_register_t insn_reg;
struct {
unsigned int cmd:1;
/* etc */

void start_instruction(gru_insn_register_t *reg);

Even coding it as a macro would be better because you'd then avoid the
void * -> cast and get the type checking.

- You're using gru_flush_cache for a lot of things. Is the device not coherent
with CPU caches? (in which case, should the DMA api be used instead?) Or is it
simply higher performing if you invalidate the CPU cache ahead of time so the
GRU probe doesn't have to?

- In gru_fault, the while() should be an if(), it would be much nicer to use a
waitqueue or semaphore to allocate gru contexts (and if you actively need to
steal a context to prevent starvation, you can use eg down_timeout()).

- You use prefetchw around the place and say it is sometimes required for
correctness. Except it would be free to be ignored (say if the CPU didn't
have a TLB entry or full prefetch queue, or even the Linux implementatoin
could be a noop).

- In gru_fault, I don't think you've validated the size of the vma, and it
definitely seems like you haven't taken offset into the vma into account
either. remap_pfn_range etc should probably validate the former because I'm
sure this isn't the only driver that might get it wrong. The latter can't
really be detected though. Please fix or make it more obviously correct (eg
a comment).

- And please make sure in general that this thing properly fixes/rejects
nasty code and attempts to crash the kernel. I'm sure it can't be used,
for example, write into readonly pages or read from kernel memory etc.
(I'm sure you're very concious of this, but humour me! :P)

- I have a rough handle on it, but can you sketch out exactly how it is used,
and how the virtual/physical/etc memory activity happens? Unfortunately, in
its present state, this is going to have to be something that mm/ developers
will have to get an understanding of, and I'm a bit lost when it comes to
driver code. (Or have I missed some piece of documentation?) Although there
are a lot of comments, most are fairly low level. I want a high level
overview and description of important interactions. I agree with Hugh in
some respects GRU is special, the bar is a bit higher than the average

As far as I understand it A process can use GRU to accelerate some memory and
simple transformation operations. This can only occur within the address
space of a single mm (and by the looks you have some kernel kva<->kva
interfaces there too?)

OK, and the way for a user to operate the GRU you have provided is to mmap
/dev/gru, which gives the process essentially an mmio control page (Oh, it's
big, maybe that's more than a control area? Anyway let's call it a control

So the user can stuff some commands into it (that can't possibly take down
the machine? Or if they could then /dev/gru is root only? ;)) Such as
giving it some user virtual addresses and asking it to copy from one to
the other or something much cooler.

User faults writing to control area, driver steals context (by zapping ptes)
from process currently using it, and hands it to us.

Then GRU faults on the new virtual address it is being asked to operate on,
and raises an interrupt. Interrupt handler finds the process's physical
address from virtual and stuffs it into the GRU. The GRU and the process
are each now merrily doing their own thing. If the process calls a fork()
for example and some virtual addresses need to be write protected, we must
also ensure the GRU can't write to these either so we need to invalidate
its TLB before we can continue.

GRU TLB invalidation is done with mmu notifiers... I'll think about this
some more because I'll have more comments on mmu notifiers (and probably
GRU TLB invalidation).

- Finally: what is it / can it be used for? What sort of performance numbers
do you see? This whole TLB and control page scheme presumably is to avoid
kernel entry at all costs... the thing is, the GRU is out on the IO bus
anyway, and is going to be invalidating the CPU's cache in operation. It's
going to need to be working on some pretty big memory areas in order to
be a speedup I would have thought. In which case, how much extra overhead
is a syscall or two? A syscall register and unregister the memory in
question would alleviate the need for the whole TLB scheme, although
obviously it would want to be unregistered or care taken with something
like fork... So, a nice rationale, please. This is a fair hunk of
complexity here :P

Meanwhile, I hope that gives a bit to go on. I'm sorry it has come relatively
late in the game, but I had a week off a while back then had (have) some
important work work I'm starting to get a handle on...


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