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SubjectError using "make KBUILD_OUTPUT=path" or "make O=path"
First of all, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Anthony and
I've been using linux during the last 8 years.
I have googled around and I haven't found anything so let's go to the question:
It seems that when initializing either KBUILD_OUTPUT or O variables
(make KBUILD_OUTPUT="../build/" ) there is a problem, the output is
effectivly working, but the problem is that some files (.config) that
has been generated at the begining of the make process, are later used
and as a consecuence, the make is trying to read them as the file was
created in the base path instead of $KBUILD_OUTPUT...

Or maybe I'm completely wrong about the using of that variables... :)
I've attached an output log of the error.

More info:
- The kernel has been configured
- If I omit the O= or KBUILD_OUTPUT= initializations the kernel
compiles wonderfull.

"Thanks a log" and please don't forget to add my address to the CC
since I'm not subscribed to the list.
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  Last update: 2008-04-11 14:41    [W:1.090 / U:0.032 seconds]
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