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SubjectProposal: change keycode for scancode e0 32 from 150 to 172
Hi all,

As some of you might know from my earlier post/thread about atkbd and softraw,
I'm currently working on getting keyboards with internet/easy access keys to
work painlessly / plug and play.

In order to be able to better test / develop this I've bought 2 cheap such
keyboards today, one ps2 and one both usb and ps2 capable.

When comparing usb vs ps2 / testing the keycodes generated for the easy access
keys on my trust (microsoft compatible) keyboard. I noticed the homepage key
sends keycode 150 with ps2 and 172 with USB, or for those who don't know the
keycodes by head with ps2 it sends KEY_WWW and with usb it sends KEY_HOMEPAGE

I personally believe that the usb behaviour is correct and that the ps/2 code
should be modified to match for consistency. The ps/2 scancode to keycode
mapping is set up to handle easy access / internet keys for microsoft
compatible keyboards. So what is the right code to send here, tricky, see:

The logo on the key is a homepage logo, the text below is www/homepage. So what
to send? I believe that for consistency with the usb codes send it should be
KEY_HOMEPAGE, but thats based on a sample of 1 usb keyboard. Input on what
other usb keyboards send for the key with the homepage iocn is very much welcome.


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