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SubjectRe: Linux Security *Module* Framework (Was: LSM conversion to static interface)
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Alan Cox wrote:

>> The idea that poor security is worse than no security is fallacious,
>> and not backed up by common experience.
> There is a ton of evidence both in computing and outside of it which
> shows that poor security can be very much worse than no security at all.
> In particular stuff which makes users think they are secure but is
> worthless is very dangerous indeed.

there is also pleanty of evidence that you don't have to be perfect to be
good enough.

in addition security is useually traded off for something else
(useability, administrative effort, money, etc) and depending on what's
being protected the cost that's appropriate is going to be different.

> When you know that security is limited you act appropriately, when you
> believe security is good but it is not you take inappropriate risks and
> get badly burned.

This is very true, but the solution isn't to try and eliminate everything
other then perfect security, it's to properly document the limitations of
various options and educate people about them.

David Lang
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