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SubjectMath-emu kills the kernel on Athlon64 X2

If I enable the math emulator in 2.6.18-rc7-git2 (only version I've
tried this with) and then boot the kernel with "no387" then I only get
as far as lilo's "...Booting the kernel." message and then the system

The kernel is a 32bit kernel build for K8 and my CPU is a Athlon64 X2 4400+

If I boot the same kernel without the "no387" option, then it boots
and runs just fine, so it seems the math emulator code is lethal on
newer CPU's :-(

Now, I need some help debugging this. The crash happens very early and
doesn't result in anything printed to the screen (I guess it's too
early to call printk()) - How on earth can I get a lead on what's
going wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

Jesper Juhl <>
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