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From Dave Coulibaly
Avenue 16 Rue 13
Treichville Abidjan
Ivory coast
Permit me to inform you of my mind, Because I have make up my mind to
write to you this way. however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner
compel you to honour against your will. I am Rapheal Coulibaly, 22
years old and the only son of my late parents Mr and
Mrs COULIBALY. My late father was a highly reputable business merchant
in a cocoa who operated in the capital of Ivory Coast during his days.

Unfortunately I loosed him mysteriously,He died in France during one
of his business trips abroad last year octomber 2005. though his sudden
death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an
uncle , who travelled with him at that time. But God
knows the truth.
My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my late father
took me so special. Before his death on Octomber 9th/2005 he called
the secretary who
accompanied him in hospital and told him to call me,on my arrival to
the hospital my father told me that he deposited the sum of six million
US Dollars. (6 000,000 USD) left in suspense account in one of the
leading bank in Africa.
He further told me that he deposited the money in his name,and I as the
next of kin and finally issued a written instruction to his lawyer whom
he said is in possession of all the necessary legal document to all
his properties.
I am just 22 years old and a University undergraduate and really don

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