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SubjectBug in the RTM_SETLINK kernel API for setting MAC address
It appears there is a bug in the RTM_SETLINK kernel API for setting
the MAC address on an interface.

E.g., below is the relevant sample code for setting the Ethernet MAC
address payload that works on 2.6.17.

/* Add the MAC address as an attribute */
struct sockaddr_storage ss_mac;
struct sockaddr* sa_mac_p = (struct sockaddr *)&ss_mac;
size_t sa_mac_len = 0;
memset(&ss_mac, 0, sizeof(ss_mac));
sa_mac_p->sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
sa_mac_len = sizeof(sa_mac_p->sa_family) + ETH_ALEN;

memcpy(sa_mac_p->sa_data, &ether_addr, ETH_ALEN);
rta_len = RTA_LENGTH(sa_mac_len);
rtattr = IFLA_RTA(ifinfomsg);
rtattr->rta_type = IFLA_ADDRESS;
* rtattr->rta_len = rta_len;
rtattr->rta_len = RTA_LENGTH(ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(RTA_DATA(rtattr), sa_mac_p, sa_mac_len);
nlh->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(nlh->nlmsg_len) + rta_len;

if (ns.sendto(buffer, nlh->nlmsg_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&snl,
sizeof(snl)) != (ssize_t)nlh->nlmsg_len) {
/* ERROR */

Note that the payload with the MAC address has to be
"struct sockaddr" (or equivalent) and the length of that payload is
the equivalent of "sizeof(sa_family) + mac_address_size".

However, the rta_len of the corresponding message MUST be set to
"mac_address_size" rather than the real payload size which is
"sizeof(sa_family) + mac_address_size".
I believe this is incorrect, and rta_len is suppose to be set to the
real payload size.

The particular problematic code in the kernel that checks for the
payload size is inside net/core/rtnetlink.c, do_setlink():

if (ida[IFLA_ADDRESS - 1]) {
if (ida[IFLA_ADDRESS - 1]->rta_len != RTA_LENGTH(dev->addr_len))
goto out;
err = dev->set_mac_address(dev, RTA_DATA(ida[IFLA_ADDRESS - 1]));

Where dev->set_mac_address() (typically/always?) expects to see a
second argument of type "struct sockaddr".


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