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SubjectRe: the " 'official' point of view" expressed by regarding reiser4 inclusion
On Mon, 2006-07-31 11:44:25 -0500, David Masover <> wrote:
> Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-07-31 17:59:58 +0200, Adrian Ulrich
> > <> wrote:
> > > A colleague of mine happened to create a ~300gb filesystem and started
> > > to migrate Mailboxes (Maildir-style format = many small files (1-3kb))
> > > to the new LUN. At about 70% the filesystem ran out of inodes; Not a
> >
> > So preparation work wasn't done.
> Let me put it this way -- You're back in college, and it's time to write
> a thesis. You have a choice of software packages:
> Package A: You have to specify how many pages, and how many words,
> you're likely to use before you start typing. Guess too high, and
> you'll print out a bunch of blank pages at the end. Guess too low, and
> you'll run out of space and have to start over, copy and paste your
> document back in, and hope it gets all the formatting right, which it
> probably won't.
> Package B: Your document grows as you type. When it's time to print,
> only the pages you've actually written something on -- but all of the
> pages you've actually written something on -- are printed.
> All other things being equal, which would you choose? Which one seems
> more modern?

:) Well, given that TeX needs two (or even three!) runs to get all
page references right, why should I choose MS Word, where you won't
see that problem at all?


Jan-Benedict Glaw +49-172-7608481
Signature of: If it doesn't work, force it.
the second : If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
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