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Subjectreiser4 status (correction)
Well, it seems we still aren't quite as stable as we were 6 months ago 
(the new reduced cpu usage code was extensive, as was the VFS change
code), and we know of a bug we can reproduce using our standard tests.
Also, it seems we can oops when a particular program is run to consume
all memory (thanks Jate for finding it). Hopefully things will be more
stable next week.... Us developers are using the new code on our
workstations without problem though.

On a more positive note, Reiser4.1 is getting closer to release.... It
is working fine for the developer coding it, and we are scheduling code
reviews for it and defining migration paths, etc. Hopefully in 2 months
it will ship.

The big issue with 4.1 is that we are having to deal with all the issues
of REALLY allowing users to change default plugins, etc., and finding we
missed details. We will say more later.

Thanks for your patience,

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  Last update: 2006-07-21 01:01    [W:0.052 / U:0.732 seconds]
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