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SubjectWhat she really wanted was an extra inch -Tracie


I have always worried about the size of my penis. When I have sex,
even though she says that the sex is good, I know that what she really
wants is an extra inch!

3 months ago I found The Extender. I just put it on whilst I'm driving
the car and when I'm sleeping. It stays hidden under my clothes and it
is really surprisingly comfortable and soft.

I could tell that my penis was getting longer and heavier, but I
thought that when I took it back off I would shrink back to original
size. I was really surprised!

I have been 4.5" long since adolescence
When I took off The Extender I was measuring 6.5"
After not wearing the extender for a week, I am still 6" long!

The lengthening is permanent!

I could not believe the results of this device. I am back to wearing
again and I'm still getting larger! My girlfriend says it is the best
product I've ever bought, and she ALWAYS reminds me to put it on if I

Take a peek... We know it works. There's a total guarantee with it,
too. If
you are not completely satisfied with your length gain and comfort you
get your
money back. Every penny. No-one sends them back!

The Extender correct the curve of the penis too, straightening out
sharp bends
as new cells grow!

Check it out
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