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SubjectRe: How to check if kernel sources are installed on a system?
On Sun, 2006-05-28 18:02:53 -0400, Lee Revell <> wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 23:55 +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> Chicken and egg problem. Users have hardware and they want to run Linux
> on it. It's not always feasible for them to verify Linux compatibility
> before they buy. And some vendors like BenQ even ship a Linux CD with
> their laptops even though the sound doesn't work on any BenQ system -
> they obviously did not even try it. So we have a large population of
> users who would love to run Linux but can't until we support their
> hardware.

In my world, "we" also contains the user. If a user doesn't want to
eg. re-test with upstream kernels or consider to put other efforts
(like paying developers or learning to code), then re doesn't *really*
want it supported.

> > If there's a user that *really* wants that hardware supported,
> > then they will put effort into getting it to work, either by helping
> > debugging, hacking or by paying some expert to reverse-engineer an
> > existing driver.
> There are many users who *really* want their hardware supported but
> don't have the funds or the know-how to do any of these. Like all of
> these users:

I accept the no-money argument, but not the no-knowledge one. Anybody
can learn, can't they?


Jan-Benedict Glaw . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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