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SubjectHow to check if kernel sources are installed on a system?
How does one check the existence of the kernel source RPM (or deb) on
every single distribution?.

We know that rpm -qa | grep kernel-source works on Redhat, Fedora,
SuSE, Mandrake and CentOS - how about other RPM based distros? How
about debian based distros?. There doesn't seem to be a a single
conherent naming scheme.

Another thing, can we please start enforcing that people ship kernel
source with the base installation? If distributors are distributing
kernels, then it must be an absolute requirement that they ship kernel
sources in a "configured" state as well. If you're not going to
provide a stable kernel API, then atleast please make this a requirement.

best regards

Dev Mazumdar
4Front Technologies

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