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SubjectArchieve new horizons in your carreer
Please read this letter attentively! 

Hello, our company opens a new vacancy.
Now we have started our activity in the territory of the UK a nd we need to
employ people who will work as our representative in the territory of the UK.
Any interested person can become our manager.

Our vacancy is opened for you if you are:

- Age: from 18 till 60 years
- Located in the territory of the UK
- Have a skill to communicate and access to the Internet.

You will earn from 1000 up to 3000 pounds, working only some hours per day.
You can work part time or full time.
Any person located in the UK can become our employee.

If you are interested in our offer send the following data to our e-mail

- Your full name
- Your contact e-mail
- Your phone number

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