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SubjectA Representation
From: Mowafaq H. Mahmood
Bank of Baghdad
Baghdad, Iraq.

Following the
first Gulf War in 1991, Saddam Hussein authorized for the first time
the formation of private banks in Iraq. From 1992 until the end of the
decade, 17 such banks were established. Up until the second Gulf War,
however, Saddam prohibited these banks from conducting international
transactions - including payments, remittances, and letters of credit.
Now, as Iraq develops a market- driven banking system, these
restrictions are being reduced and the importance of Iraq's private
banks is expected to grow significantly.

An important step was taken
on October 28, 2003, when the Central
Bank of Iraq authorized Iraq's
private banks to process international payments, remittances and
foreign currency letters of credit. This action follows other important
steps taken recently to modernize Iraq's banking system - the
establishment of a new national currency, for instance, and the
launching of daily foreign exchange auctions by the Central Bank.

Subsequently, I personally was able to hide away One Hundred Million
United States Dollars in the wake of the United States of American led
war on Iraq. This money was meant for investments but it is believed
that we have lost this money to looters during the War in Iraq. Since
after the war, I have safely tucked away this money with the hope that
I will be able to do something with it as soon as things cool down. Now
intend to do so.

I just need that I get you as my reliable foreign
partner who will as it is be my representative out there in your
Country; I want you as a partner who will assist me in investing in
profitable ventures in your Country. I need a person I could rely on.


Mowafaq H. Mahmood
Bank of Baghdad

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