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Subjectrtc: lost some interrupts at 256Hz
When you google for such messages, you can find a lot of people asking, 
but nobody seems to have an answer. That's why I ask this list, where
the Godfathers Of Linux reside, and maybe someone hears my prayer and
could explain us sheep what you should do in such a case. Increase the
HZ from 250 to 1000, or decrease to 100? Or maybe setting the
preemption model from server to voluntary or preemptible? Or is that
whining to be ignored, and if yes, what is this message for at all?

Please give us wisdom, and we will spread your word. Amen.

Answers please per PM, I'm not on this list.

mfg zmi *or could you ask in a nicer way?*
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc -----
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