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SubjectSystem lockup with processes in D state in
Some time ago, we were seeing a problem in the kernel in the reiserfs code 
where a lock inversion issue could cause processes to get stuck in D state,
requiring a system reboot.

This link describes the actual call path that causes the problem.

At the time, the solution we got was to add a patch the basically bypasses
reiser_file_write and just calls generic_file_write. This semed to fix the
problem and we've been running for over a year fine with that patch.

Recent we brought the issue up again with some reiser people, who mentioned

> There was a patch for the problem referenced by this link. (By Cris Mason,
> I think). This patch is long included into vanilla kernel
> (2.6.15 certainly contains it). If you still see deadlocks, I guess you
> need
> to gather some more info again (sysrq-t and friends).

So we recently built, without the patch. However after just 1 hour
of stress testing with cyrus again, we were able to lock up the system with
lots of processes stuck in D state and a load running to 500+. The machine
had about 1500 processes running on it, and the dmesg buffer was only 1M, so
it seems we weren't able to capture all the traces with a sysrq-t, but
there's still a lot of info. I've put the sysrq-t and kernel config output
at the links below:

Any idea if this is related to the previous problem or is something


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