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SubjectRe: [PATCH] swsusp: separate swap-writing/reading code
On Čt 23-03-06 17:48:58, Mark Lord wrote:
> Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
> >
> >I agree it probably may be improved. Still it seems to be good enough.
> >Further,
> >it's more efficient than the previous solution, so I consider it as an
> >improvement.
> >Also this code has been tested for quite some time in -mm and appears to
> >behave properly, at least we haven't got any bug reports related to it so
> >far.
> I find the in-kernel swsusp to be quite slow, and it seems to use
> an awful lot of memory for book-keeping. So count that as encouragement
> to improve the performance when you can.

Extents will provide 0.01% speedup at most, and with increase of code
complexity. Not a nice tradeoff if you ask me.

If you want faster suspend, that should be easy. You'll need *current*
2.6.16-git , and userland tools from . There's HOWTO
that explains how to set it up. We can even do LZF these days...

> >Currently I'm not working on any better solution. If you can provide any
> >patches to implement one, please submit them, but I think they'll have to
> >be
> >tested for as long as this code, in -mm.
> It would be *really nice* if you guys could stop being so underhandedly
> nasty in every single reply to anything from Nigel.

> He really is trying to help, you know.

Actually Rafael was *very* nice at him, I'd say. Pointing for tiny
inefficiencies, without patch attached is not really helpful.

I have repeatedly pointed him on ways how he can *really* help. There
are ways to do suspend2 in userspace these days, but Nigel refuses to
use them.
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