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SubjectSTRAIT GATE: Can't God end the warring
Reply-To: Edward

Charles E. Carlson

To those of us who wonder when our warring leaders will be satisfied and bring about an end to conflict around the world...the answer is "NEVER."

In the eyes of our political leaders in both parties, war continues to be a necessity to carry out their agenda. We are among the many that have exposed that agenda in the past, and those who want to learn more it can find lots to read about this on the Strait Gate website. Be sure to search the links to others.

WE MUST DO OUR BEST... or must we?
"Why can't I just go along for the ride," as so many who say: "we can't win anyway, so it's best to stay out of the way?" This is a statement we hear all the time.

An objective person looking at the control mechanism now running our world through the mighty power of the United States government might well conclude he had better NOT believe in God, lest his conscience force him to resist the irresistible.

Those of our readers who have given up on God may feel they have a free pass, but not those who say they follow Christ. When He said "Blessed are the Peacemakers" he also demonstrated that he meant it.

As we have written in many Pharisee Watch journals and special reports, THE PRIMARY ENABLERS OF WAR TODAY ARE AMERICA'S EVANGELICAL ("Christian-Zionist") CHURCHES. They themselves tell us so every day! They can hardly escape the responsibility as enablers of our present war in the Mideast because war against Islam is in their stated doctrine. Everyone knows they do this, but no one seems to know why.

Some things are obvious. Celebrity churchmen who call themselves "evangelicals" blow the trumpet our political leaders want to hear...they openly state that Christ permits (if not demands) war against Islam. In return they are helped along the path to celebrity status. Celebrity Christians become household names; they receive access to the major media, unchallenged tax-free status for huge church businesses including media businesses, friendly regulation, and an open field for self-promotion.

Most inexplicable, the public standards of racism are ignored when Christian-Zionists denounces Islam. No one in church seems surprised when a Christian leader makes outrageous statements about Muslims, even demanding what amounts to racial extermination, in Jesus' name.

Christian Zionist ("the Christian Right") celebrities have become the oracles for the unfettered and unapologetic anti-Islam media of our day. Their appointed job in the Neo-Con order of the new world seems to be to campaign every day for more serial wars against Islam. When someone like Franklin Graham makes a racially hateful statement against Muslims it is accepted without a shudder from the press. They act like there is a declared War on Islam*. Is there?

Many followers of Christ, including this author, think God could but will not end our Serial wars for us because he has left this very tough job to those who call themselves by Jesus name. Every man (whatever his church) who says he follows Jesus must necessarily work for and pray for peace because that was a undeniably very large part of Jesus message.

As part of this peace mission the follower ought to visit a Mosque. Why? Because Muslims who worship in Mosques also want an end to the Serial wars, they have this in common with true followers of Christ. So why not get to know each other, what can it hurt? Jesus would go to their gate, he went to the temple and the synagogues of the Pharisees. - end cec

By Tom Compton

My friend Chuck called to ask me if I'd like to go with him to an open house at a mosque in Tempe, AZ. Having never been in a mosque, I thought that it would be an interesting experience but wondered if I would need a bullet proof vest or an assault rifle to protect myself during the visit. After all, haven't we been warned by numerous government and Christian leaders that the Muslims are out to create a holy war against us infidels?

We parked our shoes on the ground floor of the mosque and walked up to the second floor into the prayer and worship room. There were about 50 visitors in attendance plus members of the mosque who filtered in during the open house portion of the service. After the open house, their regular Friday night service would be conducted. It was easy to spot the visitors because they were sitting in chairs. It was explained that during the service and prayer time the flock was either standing, sitting or bowing down on the floor. The men are in the front and the women in the rear with a curtain that could be drawn by the women if they wanted privacy. ---

FOR THE REST OF "VISITING A MOSQUE" (The author did indeed live to tell about it) Click ( then "Pharisee Watch."


By Charles E. Carlson (originally published Mar 21, 1994) (click Pharisee Watch)

Charles E. Carlson, Tom Compton Ed
A Special Report-- How a convicted serial forger was used to falsify and corrupt the Christian Bible 12-page Pamphlet. (bookstore)

FINAL APOSTASY, Dr. Gordon Ginn, Ph. D. Apostasy means "falling away" from the fundamentals Jesus of Nazareth taught. The Final Apostasy, Ginn tells us, is of a massive defection of Christians from their faith, the apostasy declaring Christ's work as failed or left incomplete. This is called chiliasm or futurism that denies completeness of God's work in Jesus, making God a failure and Jesus a half done Messiah. Dr. Gordon Ginn's theological insights are clear for seekers of God's truth in the New Testament, 193 pages Paperback.

Hear GORDON GINN live on Strait Gate Ecclesia Bible study, online 9:00 PM Eastern Time, Wednesday nights. (join regular list)

P.O. Box 14491
Scottsdale, AZ 85267
FAX 480 699 1902

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