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Subject[ANNOUCNE] GIT 1.1.0
The latest feature release GIT 1.1.0 is available at the usual places:

git-1.1.0.tar.{gz,bz2} (tarball)
RPMS/$arch/git-*-1.1.0-1.$arch.rpm (RPM)

This contains all the fixes present in 1.0.8, with the following

- "git clone -o $name" can name a branch other than "origin" to
be used to keep track of upstream (Johannes).

- Easier shared repository setup (Johannes).

- "git describe" command (Linus).

- "git --version" from an interim snapshot gives a more
descriptive version name than "1.0-GIT" (Linus).

- "git whatchanged" shows abbreviated object names by default.

- "git checkout -- paths" and "git checkout treeish paths" use
cwd relative pathname and work from a subdirectory.

- "git checkout [-b newbranch] branch" works from a
subdirectory and works on the entire tree.

- "git ls-tree" shows cwd relative pathnames by default; full
pathnames can be obtained with --full-name, just like "git
ls-files" (Linus and me).

- "git send-pack" and "git push" notice when the remote end
refuses to update a ref (e.g. hooks/update) and exits with an
error. This hopefully would help Cogito as well.

- "git fetch" and "git pull" automatically follows remote tags
while tracking branches.

- "git ls-files --others" can be used with "--directory" option
to omit the contents of directories without any tracked file
but instead to show the directories themselves (Linus). "git
status" uses this to unclutter "Untracked files" section.

- Optimized "git pack-redundant" (Lukas).

- "git daemon --base-path=/pub/git" can reroot the directory
tree exposed to the outside world, similar to DOCUMENT_ROOT

- "git cherry" can be told not to show everything we have (Yann

- git URL can use [IPv6address/IPvFuture] literal addresses

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