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SubjectRe: [patch 00/2] improve .text size on gcc 4.0 and newer compilers
Andrew Morton wrote:

>Adrian Bunk <> wrote:
>>On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 11:37:21AM +0100, Ingo Molnar wrote:
>>>to say it loud and clear again: our current way of handling inlines is
>>>_FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN_. To me this means that fundamental changes are
>>>needed for the _mechanics_ and meaning of inlines. We default to 'always
>>>inline' which has a current information to noise ratio of 1:10 perhaps.
>>>My patch changes the mechanics and meaning of inlines, and pretty much
>>>anything else but a change to the meaning of inlines will still result
>>>in the same scenario occuring over and over again.
>>Let's emphasize what we both agree on:
>>It is _FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN_ that too much code is marked as
>>'always inline'.
>>We only disagree on how to achieve an improvement.
>The best approach is to manually review and fix up all the inline statements.
>We cannot just delete them all, because that would cause performance loss
>for well-chosen inlinings when using gcc-3.
>I'd be reluctant to trust gcc-4 to do the right thing in all cases. If the
>compiler fails to inline functions in certain critical cases we'll suffer
>some performance loss and the source of that performance loss will be
>utterly obscure.
>If someone types `inline' into a piece of code then we want to inline the
>function, dammit. The fact that lots of people typed `inline' when they
>shouldn't have is not a good argument for defeating (or adding uncertainty
>to) manual inlining in well-developed and well-maintained code.
>All those squillions of bogus inlines which you've identified are probably
>mainly in code we just don't care about much. We shouldn't penalise
>well-maintained code because of legacy problems in less well-maintained

It seems odd to me that we're doing this by second-hand effect on
code size ... the objective of making the code smaller is to make it
run faster, right? So ... howcome there are no benchmark results
for this?

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