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Subject[PATCH] bttv: correct bttv_risc_packed buffer size
This patch fixes the strange crashes I was seeing after using
my bttv card to watch television. They were caused by a
buffer overflow in bttv_risc_packed.

The instruction buffer size calculation contains two errors:
(a) a non-zero padding value can push the start of the next bpl
section to just before a page border, leading to more scanline
splits and thus additional instructions.
(b) the first DMA region can be smaller than one page, so there can
be a scanline split even if bpl*lines is smaller than PAGE_SIZE.

For example, consider the case where offset is 0, bpl is 2, padding
is 4094, lines is smaller than 2048, the first DMA region has size 1
and all others have size PAGE_SIZE, assumed to equal 4096. Then
all bpl regions cross page borders and the number of instructions
written is 2*lines+2, rather than lines+2 (the current estimate).
With this patch the number of instructions for this example is
estimated to be 2*lines+3.

Also, the BUG_ON that was supposed to catch buffer overflows contained
a thinko causing it fire only if the buffer was overrun by a factor of
16 or more.

I didn't check whether similar mistakes exist elsewhere in the bttv

Signed-off-by: Duncan Sands <>

PS: I'm sending the patch as an attachment because for some reason my
mailer crashes if I try to insert it into the email.
Index: Linux/drivers/media/video/bttv-risc.c
--- Linux.orig/drivers/media/video/bttv-risc.c 2006-01-24 10:09:21.000000000 +0100
+++ Linux/drivers/media/video/bttv-risc.c 2006-01-24 10:16:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@
int rc;

/* estimate risc mem: worst case is one write per page border +
- one write per scan line + sync + jump (all 2 dwords) */
- instructions = (bpl * lines) / PAGE_SIZE + lines;
+ one write per scan line + sync + jump (all 2 dwords). padding
+ can cause next bpl to start close to a page border. First DMA
+ region may be smaller than PAGE_SIZE */
+ instructions = 1 + ((bpl + padding) * lines) / PAGE_SIZE + lines;
instructions += 2;
if ((rc = btcx_riscmem_alloc(btv->c.pci,risc,instructions*8)) < 0)
return rc;
@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@

/* save pointer to jmp instruction address */
risc->jmp = rp;
- BUG_ON((risc->jmp - risc->cpu + 2) / 4 > risc->size);
+ BUG_ON(4 * (risc->jmp - risc->cpu + 2) > risc->size);
return 0;
 \ /
  Last update: 2006-01-25 11:27    [W:0.071 / U:0.200 seconds]
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