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SubjectModify setterm color palette

Sorry for the crosspost, I just wasn't sure which group should I target.

Here is what I try to do : I got to modify the standard colors used by setterm,
the reason being my preference for using text consoles rather than xterms.
I also prefer the fg green bg black setup. I can acheave that just by
simply issuing a "setterm -foreground green -store". Now my problem is
that the green I get is too dark on my screeen (even if I set the display
luminosity to max). If I could modify the color used by setterm I
could get a bit
brighter green, but I'm not sure where/how to do that...

I've been looking in the kernel sources in the "console.c" and I think
spotted the
place where the colours are set but it seems to me that a more appropiate
place to do such things would be the terminfo db.

Any hints ?

I'm using radeonfb under Suse/amd64 if that makes any difference...

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