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Subject[PATCH] Proposed patch for Precise Process Accounting
Hi Ingo, Robert -
I'd like to get input from you and community at large on a patch
has been in production on 2.4 systems on Debian and Montavista
distros, and in high risk field environment. Below is a detailed man
page of the proposed patch. The patch itself is currently only available

for 2.4 on IA64 and PPC, but it is getting ported to 2.6 over the next
couple months. In general this patch is hardened it has seen
allot of field time, and it has resolved quite a few
issues in the field and labs. The poject is registered on OSDL/CGL
not allot has been updated there with recent activity. The feature as
it stands currently is divided into 3-patches - (i) architecture
which by itself provides useful data (ii) arch dependent adds support
for sys call, interrupt accounting (iii) arch dependent
with additional features. I'm interested if it has potential for
into the kernel, i.e. from Linux performance/phylisophical stand point.

Please COPY me personally on responses.

mario smarduch


Standards, Environments, and Macros PPA(5)

ppa - Precise Process Accounting

PPA collects process and system execution statistics. All
time based statistics are gathered from explicit timestamp-
ing within various kernel paths. This makes PPA precise in
measuring task and system CPU usage and is not subject to
tick based sampling errors common on most OSs. Tick based
accounting may be off significantly (20,30 or 50% or just
make no sense) especially on todays processors where allot
of work can be done in one tick (i.e. 1ms). The primary
goals of PPA are: (i) measure per task and system time
precisly (ii) maintain scheduling data to resolve complex
scheduling issues (iii) base certain OS event expirations on
PPA accurate accounting. PPA can be enabled system wide or
per process. Accounting of idle task usage is turned on at
all times. PPA overhead varies on the workload for a
SPECrate like load its undetectable, however there are
cicumstances such as consecutive calls to light system calls
(i.e. getpid()) where it may account for upto 7% overhead.
The overhead also may slightly differ between CPU architec-
tures, certain architectures provide a rich register set
resulting in few memory access and fast exception process-
ing. Or in other cases some architectures have higher over-
head on excptions or context switchs, in such cases PPA
measurements are less likely to impact performance. PPA is
intended to execute in all environments including field
environments. PPA attempts to disturb execution as little
as possible, for example interrupts are never disabled, exe-
cution has priority over accounting.

PPA Overview

For user-time accumulation PPA timestamps the intervals that
application transitions to user space, including signal han-

For system-time accumulation PPA timestamps system call
entry/return, including recursive system calls within the
kernel. In addition count of system calls is maintained.
Currently PPA does not handley kernel entry via light system
calls (i.e. sysenter, epc), usage for such calls will be
accrued to user time.

For interrupt-time accumulation PPA timestamps external
interrupt entry/return including nested interrupts.

Exceptions (TLB inst/data, priv inst, i.e.) other then sys-
tem calls are not distinctly measured. Some architecture
resolve faults in hardware, other architectures don't main-
tain real page tables - in such cases measurement overhead
would be excessive. In general exceptions are accounted to
mode the processor was executing in at the time of the
exception. On some architectures certain exceptions
(Machine checks, mgmt) may not be visible to the OS and han-
dled by firmware, these will go unreported by PPA. In addi-
tion count of interrupts is maintained.

The Idle-time is accumulated at all times, interrupt time is

Although kernel threads run in system mode, absent of system
calls execution is lumped into user time. Each execution
mode is accrued per-cpu, for highly dense SMP platforms
(multi-core/hyper threaded) the per-cpu accounting may be
colapsed by factor N where N may be equal to total CPUs on
the platform to conserve memory.

In VMM (hypervisers) environments PPA accounting may be
inaccurate, interrupts are replayed for a host to catch up
durring excessive inactivity. At all times native tick
accounting is left unaltered.

In addition to per task/thread execution PPA collects:

reschedule count of occurances task continued to run after
timelice expiration

voluntary-schedule-out count of occurances task blocked

involuntary-schedule-out count of occurances task was
preempted by higher priority task

time-slice-expired count of occurances tasks time slice
expired and was replaced with another task

scheduled-latency accumulated scheduling latency (from
wakeup to execution) runq-latency accumulated time spent on
run queue

context-switch accumulated time spent in context switch code

All these are broken out by CPU, accumulated times are
reported in micro-seconds (PPA depends on the high-
resolution patch). PPA uses native CPU cycle counters for
timestamping, thus proper calibration on SMP platforms is
important for measurements of scheduling latencies. All
other measurements are done on one CPU (current). CPUs may
be collapsed from 1 down to N, where N is the number of OS
visible CPUs, this conserves memory on highly dense SMP
platforms. All these stats are intended to acquire insights
to solve and tune some complex scheduling and performance
issues some examples are:

o scheduling latencies issues - task/thread experiences
excessive scheduling delays some probable causes that
can be indentified from PPA are wrong scheduling class,
inappropriatte priorities, excessive time slice, kernel
preemption issues, excessive interrupts. Primary
candidates are applications which have some soft rt
bound response time (i.e. call processing)

o SMP performance - probable causes cache coherency
(i.e. false data sharing), binding vs. floating of
tasks/interrupts, inappropriate interrupt binding.
This data is especially useful in highly dense SMP
systems, which are becoming common place with multi-core,
hyper-threaded processor architectures or cc-NUMA
that introduce the concept of local/remote memory and
2-level cache coherency. (link list directory based
protocol (SCI), home node directory based protocol
(DASH, RapidIO GSM)).

o excessive cpu - probable causes excessive context
switching, too many system calls or sloppy kernel
driver/code, poorly written user code

There are several pseudo files that appear under /proc/<pid>


This is an ascii file - example output follows. All values are
across all CPUs, 'rawppa' interface is preferred, requiring less

KCI# cat /proc/5792/ppa
All results in micro seconds ([v2.0]) 1300 cycles/usec 8 CPUs
Usr Sys Int Total
108007 1054 54 109061
Rescheds Scho Prmpt-Pri Prmpt-Exp Avg-Latency
1 32 0 0 10.930
Sys-Idle Avg-Ctxt-Dur
10366890334 0.730

Usr - execution time accrued in user mode

Sys - execution time accrued in system mode

Int - execution time accrued in interrupts in context of
current task

Total - execution time accrued by the task, interrupt time
is excluded

Rescheds - count of occurances task got rescheduled

Scho - count of occurances task gave up CPU voluntairly

Prmpt-Pri - count of occurances task gave up CPU - due to
higher priority task

Prmpt-Exp - count of occurances task gave up CPU due to time
slice expire

Avg-Latency - average scheduling latency from wakeup until

Sys-Idle - system wide idle time

Avg-Ctxt-Dur - average context switch duration


provides per-cpu data for task/thread 'ppa' it also contains
additional stats. Per each CPU the below 64 bit quantities
are maintained, for metrics representing time the
'ticks/usec' value in /proc/1/pid may be used to convert
into micro-seconds. All values and indexed consecutavily
within each per-CPU array. Number of CPUs (CPU scaling) is

PPA_SCHEDACCUM - total time accumulated in native ticks on
this CPU

PPA_SCACCUM - total system time accumulated in native ticks
on this CPU

PPA_INTACCUM - total interrupt time accumulated in native
ticks on this CPU

PPA_RSCHEDCNT - number of times task got rescheduled and
continued running on this CPU

PPA_SCHEDOUTCNT - number of times task released this CPU
voluntairly (blocked)

PPA_PRMPTCTXTCNT - number of times task released this CPU
due to time slice expiration

PPA_PRMPTPRICNT - number of times task released this CPU due
to a higher pri task

PPA_SCHLATACCUM - total time accumulated on the run-q after
a task was woken up (i.e. scheduled to run) and context
switched in on this CPU

PPA_SYSCALLCNT - number of system calls on this CPU

PPA_INTCNT - number of interrupts in tasks context on this

PPA_AVGCTXT - total time spent in context switch code on
this CPU

Implicitly the per CPU user time executed on the CPU is
PPA_SCHEDACCUM - PPA_SCACCUM. Additionally the context

Following all the data above will be an array of signal
counts sent to the task, the whole array being SIGRTMAX long
and each entry 32 bits.

Following the signal information will be a 64 bit value
which contains the amount of time task spent on run-q ready
to run (excluding PPA_SCHLATACCUM), in future releases this
maybe a per-cpu metric.

Following optionally (based on settings) is an array of 7-64
bit elements. Each element is a counter for scheduling
latencies encountered.

The format of rawppa is shown below:

0 | x x x x
1 | x x x x
. | x x x x
. | x x x x
n | x x x x

[time spent on run-q]

[signal delivery count]

[optional - scheduling delay distribution]
[0] - scheduling latency < 10uS
[1] - 10us < scheduling latency < 100us
[2] - 100us < scheduling latency < 1ms
[3] - 1ms < scheduling latency < 10ms
[4] - 10ms < scheduling latency < 100ms
[5] - 100ms < scheduling latency < 1s
[6] - 1s < scheduling latency < 10s


Accepts 4 values with same meaning as '/proc/sys/kernel/ppa'
below, except its only for this task.


This file globally controls PPA operation it accepts three
flags set to 0 or 1 these are explained below. Following the
flags is a value that controls CPU scaling, for example on
a 32-way system a value of 4 will collapse accounting down
to 8 CPUs. So accounting for CPUs 0-3 will be maintained in
array 0, 4-7 in array 1 and so on. Setting CPU scaling to
number of CPUs visible to the OS (default) will result in
one array, grouping all CPUs activities. Values that don't
divide evenly will result in disproportionate ratio between
OS visible CPUs and number of arrays, the last array will
track fewer CPUs (i.e.remainder). The number of CPU arrays
is determined by dividing all OS visible CPUs by last value
in '/proc/<pid>/ppactl'

The following are the control flags -

flag 0 | 1 - if set to 0 then with exception of
idle time accounting, disables all above
mentioned accounting, and thus measurable
PPA activity take place. System idle time
accounting is maintained under global system
accounting file /proc/rawsysppa discussed
later. Otherwise if set to 1 then full PPA
accounting is turned on.

flag 1 - turns on optional scheduling latency accounting,
flag 0 must be set to 1

flag 2 - enables PPA accounting for expiring -
timers decrement with PPA precision. Native tick
accounting continues to accrue and will resume
if this flags is turned off, of course the
precision will be lost. Flag 0 must be set
to 1 for this flag to take effect.

CPU scaling - setting this value to N will scale 'rawppa'
per CPU reporting. The number of per CPU arrays will be
'OS visible CPUs' / 'this CPU scaling value'. If this
values does not evenly divide into number of OS visible
CPUs then last array will track fewer CPUs


This file is located in /proc filesystem, the format and
fields are outlined below. For each OS visible CPU there is
an array with the metrics listed below, each is a 64 bit
value in native ticks. Again ratio from usec/ticks in
/proc/1/ppa may be used to convert into usecs. CPU scaling does
not take effect on on these metrics.

Usrmode - time CPU spent executing in user mode

Sysmode - time CPU spent executing in system mode

Interrupts - time CPU spent executing external interrupts
(i.e. including timer tick)

Idle - time CPU spent executing idle thread

SyscallCnt - total number of system calls made on this CPU

InterruptCnt - total number of interrupts handled by this

TotalSoftirqTime - total softirq execution time on this CPU

SoftirqCnt - count of all softirqs on this CPU

HiPriTskltTime - total high priority tasklet softirq execu-
tion time on this CPU.

HiPriTskltCnt - count of all high priority tasklets

RegPriTskltTime - total regular priority tasklet execution
time on this CPU

RegPriTskltCnt - count of all regular priority tasklets on
this CPU

TmrTskltTime - total timer tasklet execution time on this

TmrTskltCnt - count of all timer tasklets on this CPU

NtwkTxTime - total Network transmit softirq execution time
on this CPU

NtwkTxCnt - count of all Network transmit softirqs on this

NtwkRxTime - total Network receive softirqs execution time
on this CPU

NtwkRxCnt - count of all Network receive softirqs on this

proc(5), /proc/cpuinfo

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