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SubjectRE: kbuild & C++

>> That would be because the kernel is written in *C* (and some asm),
*not* C++.

I cannot see the connection. At the end everything gets converted
to assembler/opcode. In the user space I can mix C and C++ code
without any problems, why should this not be possible in the
kernel mode?

>> There /is/ no C++ support.

This will be a problem in future. Nearly nobody will start a new
larger project (driver, user space software, embedded firmware)
using non OO languages today. So porting eg. Windows drivers to
Linux is nearly impossible without C++ support.

E.g. in my case the Windows source code has got more than 10 MB.
Nobody will convert such an amount of code from C++ to C.
This would take years.

> I think it can only be a plus to Linux to add C++ support for at least
> out-of-mainline drivers. Adding drivers written in C++ into the
> is another thing.


cu, Marco

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