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SubjectRocketPoint 1520 [hpt366] fails clock stabilization
Please CC me as I'm not on the list.

I just purchased a HighPoint Rocket 1520 SATA controller. There seems
to be no libata driver (yet), but there is an ide driver, hpt366. When
the driver gets loaded, it causes a kernel NULL pointer dereference in
pci_bus_clock_list. It seems to be because the driver is waiting for
clock stabilization in init_hpt37x() which never comes. The driver just
continues on with the pci drvdata set to NULL, instead of a valid clock
entry. The following patch prevents the NULL dereference from
happening, but instead exit with an error.

--- drivers/ide/pci/hpt366.c.orig 2005-09-29 01:00:12.000000000
+++ drivers/ide/pci/hpt366.c 2005-09-29 01:00:17.000000000 -0700
@@ -1310,10 +1310,6 @@
goto init_hpt37X_done;
+ if (!pci_get_drvdata(dev)) {
+ printk("No Clock Stabilization!!!\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
if (adjust & 1)
pll -= (adjust >> 1);

I am using Gentoo linux with a gentoo patched kernel 2.6.12-r10. The
dmesg of the driver attempting to attach is:

HPT372A: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:02:0c.0
PCI: Enabling device 0000:02:0c.0 (0105 -> 0107)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:0c.0[A] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20
HPT372A: chipset revision 2
hpt: HPT372N detected, using 372N timing.
FREQ: 125 PLL: 45
No Clock Stabilization!!!
HPT366_IDE: probe of 0000:02:0c.0 failed with error -1

I have seen a post from last year of someone with a similar problem.
Seems to be the same oops I was seeing.

I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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