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Subjectudf uid/gid problem.

A while ago someone, please forgive me I don't remeber exactly who,
stated here that UDF is much better than FAT for flash-drives. So I
try to use it this way. Unfortunately there seem to be a bug in kernel
rendering UDF on portable media completrly useless.

A filesystem for portable media should be "userless" because one most
probably has different uids on different machines. The first problem is
that I am unable to use uid=/gid= options if UDF volume's root directory
(super-block???) has an owner of uid differnet than -1. In any other
case the on-volume owner/group takes precedence over uid=/gid= options.

The second bug lives somewhere in writing functions. If I set the root
(sb???) owner to -1, the uid= and gid= work until I write a single file
onto the volume. Next time I mount the volume, with uid=/gid= of course,
everything on it is owned by root:root.

No.3 If I create a volum with root directory (sb???) owned root:root,
without hacking mkudffs, and I chown(1) some files, file ownership
information also doesn't survive unmounting.

From what I know UDF could really be a superb filesystem for flash
memory devices but today it is unfortunately completly useless. I might
even forget about the ownership information, as I said it's useless or
even harmfull on portables but setting the "root" of the volum is crucial.

Best regards.
PS. Please remember to CC, I'am not a subscriber.
Było mi bardzo miło. Trzecia pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska. (c)PP

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