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SubjectRe: I request inclusion of SAS Transport Layer and AIC-94xx into the kernel
On 09/28/05 15:45, Andre Hedrick wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> You have hit on one of the key word of my downfall.
> Specifications!!!
> I believe in them and they are the inflexable state machine which all OSes
> are required to address.

Me too. I live and breathe by them.

> I am for following the rules of the spec, and will bet Linus would now
> agree more so than before.

Me too.

An interesting thing which "the community" would appreciate is
that M$ has aggressively started to "go by the spec" as far
as SCSI is concerned.


> The problem is SCSI is a strange beast without
> a formal FSM. It is more of a BusPhase psuedo stated transport. It is

Oh, no, no, no! So much has changed Andre.

Just take a look at SAM, and I'm sure that you'll appreciate the object
oriented design, the abstractions, etc. Really!

Recently all new protocols follow _explicit_ state machine definitions
at each layer they define, and how it interacts with the layer
above and below again by FSMs. It's all a good thing.

> Luben, I have a vested interest in seeing SAS run via SCSI. So this means
> you have one ex-demi-god from the world of maintainers looking to pull you
> have towards the current path and open to ideas and willing to back a
> better design and push it.

Ok, thanks Andre. Much appreciated.

You are the first person to back me up _publicly_. Now if we
can find a person from "the community" to do that, and get all
the other people who've written me _privately_, we'd be in
good shape.

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