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SubjectRe: I request inclusion of SAS Transport Layer and AIC-94xx into the kernel

Hi Patrick,

You have hit on one of the key word of my downfall.


I believe in them and they are the inflexable state machine which all OSes
are required to address. Linux has a very bad history of avoiding the
boundary conditions related to storage.

I am for following the rules of the spec, and will bet Linus would now
agree more so than before. The problem is SCSI is a strange beast without
a formal FSM. It is more of a BusPhase psuedo stated transport. It is
smart enough to laugh at bad software designs and keep going. Sheesh,
look at M$'s miniport.

This leads me to a point where a similar (but smarter) miniport could look
interesting. However, this is also where the transport classes have their
bases, afaics. Anyone please correct me where I have mistated (other than
Linus, :-p).

Luben, I have a vested interest in seeing SAS run via SCSI. So this means
you have one ex-demi-god from the world of maintainers looking to pull you
have towards the current path and open to ideas and willing to back a
better design and push it.


Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Patrick Mansfield wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 04:37:03AM -0700, Luben Tuikov wrote:
> > never ever going in. Why else do you think IBM-ers agree with him that
> > Linux SCSI doesn't need 64 bit LUNS?
> Please stop repeating that, no one said we should *not* implement a 64 bit
> LUN in linux scsi, and James posted a patch for 64 bit LUN. I posted a
> clarification in response to your earlier postings, you seem to have
> ignored or forgotten this post:
> I said:
> "I am talking about the scsi spec, not the code. IMO linux scsi code
> should support W_LUN and 64 bit LUN."
> -- Patrick Mansfield
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