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Subject[ANNOUNCE] Framework for automatic Configuration of a Kernel
Hi folks,

For my EndThesis, in the Niederrhein University of
Applied Sciences, I've almost finished a framework
that generates a .config file based on the target
system.This program should help people to generate a
linux kernel Config without spending a lot of time at
the configuration.

The basic idea of the framework is, that you can
specify in the Kconfig files a script which
auto-detect if the hardware involved in this option is
present or not (the script reply 'y' or 'n'). It's up
to the interface to choose what to do with the answer.

This framework is now in its test stage. It works on
my Acer Laptop(TM291LMI with Pentium M and Radeon
9700). That means, that the framework is functional
but additional scripts have to be written for other
of hardware/functionality (far away from completed).

The code of this framework has been in a Kernel-Patch.
Since the Patch has a huge size(230kb), you can get
the Patch from the given URL:

To try it, just patch a 2.6.13 kernel with the patches
following this
mail and set the scripts as follow: chmod u+rwx
Then, just type: 'make autoconfig' or 'make

The 'autoconfig' will detect your hardware and
automatically include in the kernel(as a biuld-in)
whatever hardware is detected. The 'autochoiceconfig'
will let you choose to include the feature or not when
a hardware is detected.

Any comments and suggestions are welcome !

Ahmad Reza Cheraghi

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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