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Dear friend,
As you may know, many have been evacuated and
thousands are feared dead in Hurricane Katrina's
devastating aftermath. World Vision is responding by
shipping emergency supplies and other essential items
to children and families in the Gulf Coast region.
Your gift today will be a great relief to the victims
of Hurricane Katrina. We got your email through the
assistance of microsoft internet department.
World Vision has already started responding by sending
shipments of emergency supplies, donated by generous
corporations and distributed in partnership with local
churches and Christian agencies to children and
families in need. Your contribution will multiply the
value of shipments and urgent distribution of needed
items to those who needs them the most.
World Vision's American devastated Families relief
Fund works in partnership with local churches and
Christian agencies to provide lasting hope for
American children and families in difficult
situations, including those affected by disasters like
Hurricane Katrina.
President Bush and others who saw the devastation
firsthand warned that recovery will take years. World
Vision will be there for long term to assist children
and families that have been devastated by the
hurricane and to rebuild devastated communities.
Your donation will help children and families in need
You can help by contacting our office, the head of
department for the relief administration, for victims
of the Hurricane katrina disaster
American devastated Families relief Fund.
Mr. Brian Jordan
4526 S. Claiborne Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70125
All donations will be duly aknowledge.

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