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SubjectLost Ticks - TSC Timer - AMD 64 X2 Processor - What's up with that?
Having timer problems. About to head to the data center to try different 
things to get this server to work right. Losing ticks and clock is all
over the place and doing obscene things to keep it almost on track - but
I really need a solution.

Running Kernel - FC4 Linux - Asus Motherboard - A8N-SLI
Premium. Athlon X2 4400+ with 4 gigs of ram and it uses some sort of
memory remapping to use the full 4 gigs.

I don't understand all the different timers. There's TSC and PM and what

Someone suggested "notsc" which I will try when I get there. But -
looking for a list of other things to try as well. I have flashed the
latest BIOS.

I'm thinking about giving up and going back to DOS. I didn't have these
problem with DOS - and DOS boots faster. ;)

Tell me about all these timers - what are my choices - and what is most
likely to actually work.

Thanks in advance.

Marc Perkel -

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