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SubjectRe: data loss on jffs2 filesystem on dataflash
Peter Menzebach wrote:
> No, not at then moment. If I have some time, I can try to rewrite the
> chipset driver, that it reports a sector size of 1024.

I glanced at the manual. Uhh, DataFlash is very specific beast. It
suppoers page program with built-in erase command... So DataFlash
effectively may be considered as a block device. Then you may use any FS
on it providing you have wrote proper driver? Why do you need JFFS2 then
:-) ?

JFFS2 orients to "classical" flashes. They have no "write page with
built-in erase" operation.

Didn't read the manual carefully, what do they refer by "Main memory array"?

BTW, having 8*1056 write buffer is not perfect ides, better make it as
small as possible, i.e., 1056 bytes.

Best Regards,
Artem B. Bityuckiy,
St.-Petersburg, Russia.
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