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Subject[GIT/Cogito question] Access to specific versions of the kernel
I finally succeeded to get cg-clone to work on 
I can see the 2.6.13-rc4 is in there and can use cg-diff to see the
difference between the current tree and 2.6.13-rc4.

But how to I extract the 2.6.13-rc4 source from the tree?

Or even more complicated: I would like to make a branch based on
2.6.13-rc4 and work from there. At some point I would like to jump to
2.6.13-rc5 (or 2.6.13). I do not want to have the in-between changes
tickle in. I.e. I need something like "cvs rtag -b -r 2.6.13-rc4 mytress"
and "cvs update -j 2.6.13-rc4 -j 2.6.13-rc5".

In drawing

+ 2.6.13-rc3
+ 2.6.13-rc4 My tree
| \
| (current) |
| |
+ 2.6.13-rc5 |
| \ |
| + merge point
| |
+ 2.6.13 |
| \ |
| + merge point

How do I do that with cogito or git?


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