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SubjectUrgent From Michael....
Dear Friend,
Kindly permit me to reach you through this medium i got your contact
through the internet while i as desperately searching for a reliable
foreigner who can help my present predicament.first and foremost i want to
introduce myself to you my name is Micheal Mbaye a 32 years old son of a
siera-leonian industrialist known as Dr Diouf Mbaye who died some months ago
before his death he willed some of his properties and fund to me without my
knowledge untill the day of his death when he called upon me and informed
me,following this development being his favourite son among many, i was
more favoured than the other children and being from a polygamous home,
jealousy arose amongst my family and now they are after my life so i had no
choice than to sell the properties wllled to me by my father along with the
money, i was able to lodge it in a security firm with the help of my father
friend right now am in the UK London.

Dear brother i need your assistance in helping me recieve this $15million
USD in your account and also your assistance in helping me get a residence
permit in your country so that when the fund gets to your account i can come
over to invest in your country as i want to start a new life abroad,
you will also assist in advising me on which line of investment i can put my
fund on i will be glad if you can work with me in actualising this goal.

I want you to know that this is all i have in life now and that is why i am
asking for your assistance, and i need your total trust and co-operation,
for your assistance i am hereby offering you 30% of the total sum i pray as
you help me, we go along way as friends brothers and bussines partners i
look forward to a long lasting relationship with you hoping to hear from you

yours faithfully
Micheal Mbaye

As you can know as well that am in the UK London now if you are interested
in helping me i can give you my phone#

please kindly indicate your ability to receive my fund, from the financial
firm when you indicate your ability i will inform you of how you can
receive my fund and send to you the vital documents as regards my fund,
after which we will make arrangement for my coming but i want you to assure
me of the following.
1== that you will be capable of receiving my fund

2== that you are assuring me of your trust

3== that you will help in in advising me of where we can invest our fund

4== that you will help in helping me come over to your country after the
conclusion of our transaction.

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