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SubjectRE: [linux-usb-devel] Kernel unable to read partition table on US B Memory Key

> > Can you try adding delays before, after, and inbetween the calls to
> > sd_read_capacity, sd_read_write_protect_flag, and
> sd_read_cache_type,
> > all near the end of sd_revalidate_disk?
> Yes, will do this and post results.

OK, it turns out that for this particular key, a two second pause after
"sd_spinup_disk" is called and before "sd_read_capacity" will make it work.
The 'dmesg' (or syslog) output is still ugly, however; but once I realised
that it was "sd_spinup_disk" that:

A) needed the delay, and
B) causes the first ugly message to be printed in the first place, then a
better patch came to mind.

So, after combining Alan's suggestion to use "msleep" rather than my
previous convoluted method, and moving the location of the pause to inside
sd_spinup_disk (and targeting it to remove the first "ugly"), I came up with
a better patch, which is attached.

This patch adds the module parameter 'firmware_delay', and will cause a
pause for "firmware_delay" seconds inside sd_spinup_disk when the first SCSI
command returns UNIT_ATTENTION as the sense key.

Again, I have deliberately made the default value for this parameter 0,
which means that the end-user will need to ensure insmod or modprobe
supplies a >0 value to firmware_delay before the patch takes effect.

I'm not sure what the procedure is for getting this patch officially
recognised for inclusion into the kernel - Alan, are you able to "sponsor"
this patch for inclusion?


James Roberts-Thomson
Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.

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