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SubjectRe: Kernel SCM saga..
Ok, this was literally screaming for a rebuttal! :-)                                                 

> Arch isn't a sound example of software design. Quite contrary to the
> random notes posted by it's author the following issues did strike me
> the time I did evaluate it:
(Note that here you take a stab at the Arch design fundamentals, but
actually fail to substantiate it later)

> The application (tla) claims to have "intuitive" command names. However
> I didn't see that as given. Most of them where difficult to remember
> and appeared to be just infantile. I stopped looking further after I
> saw:
[ UI issues snipped, not really core design ]

Yes, some people perceive that there _are_ UI issues in Arch.
However, as strange as it may sound, some don`t feel so.

> As an added bonus it relies on the applications named by accident
> patch and diff and installed on the host in question as well as few
> other as well to
> operate.

This is called modularity and code reuse.

And given that patch and diff are installed by default on all of the
relevant developer machines i fail to see as to why it is by any
measure a derogatory.

(and the rest you speak about is tar and gzip)

> Better don't waste your time with looking at Arch. Stick with patches
> you maintain by hand combined with some scripts containing a list of
> apply commands
> and you should be still more productive then when using Arch.

Sure, you should`ve had come up with something more based than that! :-)

Now to the real design issues...

Globally unique, meaningful, symbolic revision names -- the core of the
Arch namespace.

"Stone simple" on-disk format to store things -- a hierarchy
of directories with textual files and tarballs.

No smart server -- any sftp, ftp, webdav (or just http for read-only access)
server is exactly up to the task.

O(0) branching -- a branch is simply a tag, a continuation from some
point of development. A network-capable-symlink if you would like.
It is actually made possible due to the global Arch namespace.

Revision ancestry graph, of course. Enables smart merging.

Now, to the features:

Archives/revisions are trivially crypto-signed -- thanks to the "stone-simple"
on-disk format.

Trivial push/pull mirroring -- a mirror is exactly a read-only archive,
and can be turned into a full-blown archive by removal of a single

Revision libraries as client-side operation speedup mechanism with partially
automated updates.

Cached revisions as server-side speedup.

Possibility for hardlinked checkouts for local archives. This requires that
your text editor is smart and deletes the original file when it writes

Various pre/post/whatever-commit hooks.

That much for starters... :-)

Samium Gromoff
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