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SubjectRe: Kernel SCM saga..
Linus Torvalds wrote:

>On Fri, 8 Apr 2005, Matthias-Christian Ott wrote:
>>SQL Databases like SQLite aren't slow.
>After applying a patch, I can do a complete "show-diff" on the kernel tree
>to see the effect of it in about 0.15 seconds.
>Also, I can use rsync to efficiently replicate my database without having
>to re-send the whole crap - it only needs to send the new stuff.
>You do that with an sql database, and I'll be impressed.
> Linus
Ok, but if you want to search for information in such big text files it
slow, because you do linear search -- most datases use faster search
algorithms like hashing and if you have multiple files (I don't if
you're system uses multiple files (like bitkeeper) or not) which need a
system call to be opened this will be very slow, because system calls
itself are slow. And using rsync is also possible because most databases
store their information as plain text with meta information.

Mattthias-Christian Ott
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