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Subject[2.4.27 arm skyminder] writing new keyboard handler - help!
hi, please respond cc to me because i am not on the lkml.

for a new arm linux embedded device called a skyminder, i'm responsible
for getting all the drivers working. ha ha.

the success of this device presents the linux community with
an opportunity to own a linux-based mobile phone (even if it's
not a very small phone - 8cm x 10cm x 1cm) - and it has a GPS
module in it, as well.

i'm endeavouring to adapt various bits of code to create a
keyboard driver. they've adopted 2.4.27 and are too far down
the line to move to 2.6 - yet.

i particularly want to avoid - if i can - compiling this keyboard
driver under development into the kernel (even though it's the primary
keyboard) because downloading 600k over a serial link into flash ram
isn't a) funny b) a good idea c) slows development time down.

with that in mind, so far, i have:

- cut/paste pc_keyb.c just like everyone else has (in celps_keyb.c,
c711x_keyb.c, dummy_keyb.c etc.) to create k_translate,
k_unexpected_up, k_setkeycode and k_getkeycode routines.

- cut/paste usbkbd.c and adapted it to successfully call
input_report_key on a key press and key release.

then, on installation of module input, keybdev and sky_buttons,
i happily get debug messages indicating key presses (keycode 31
indicating 's') ... but no actual key events appear down my serial

so, my question is: does anyone know off the top of their heads what i
may have missed out that causes the keybdev event handler to _not_
actually stuff keys out?

am i... like... missing something really obvious, given that
the console has been set to "serial"?

where should i look to, to find the keys being outputted, if they're
going anywhere?

help, help, gloop.



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