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SubjectFrom Madam Laarni E.Enriquez 

From Madam Laarni E.Enriquez

Dear Friend,

I am madam Laarni Entriquez, a native of Philippine nationality, and a
divorcee.I would like to have a long lasting and confidant
relationship with you,if possible entrusting my life time fortune
into your possession,as now I am broken hearted and needs someone to
trust,without remembering my past and forsaken experiences from close
confidants and family.

I need someone, who would take me for whom I am and as a life time
partner , after making claims of my deposited life fortuned in
Abroad.Well, from your profile, I believe in me that you ought to be a
very honest person.I would like to give you a brief description of my
life.I was once the mistress of our President, Joseph Estrada, and
during his tenure in office, I was been used as a courier to
depositing his funds, in the Europe, but due to the fracas I had with
his wife, Madam Loi and her sone, Jude, it causes a public
embarrasement and people came to know that I had been having an affair
with the President.

But, not quite long, I was arrested, together with his wife and son,
in connection with the 27th July, 2003, failed coup,which I did not
have anything to do with, but was alleged that I have been habouring
some of the dessident and arms in one of the villa, bought for me by
the President.But, now, I have been released and I am under security
watch and seriously monitored. All, I wanted from you is to assist me
make claims of some funds, I did deposited in Europe and west
Africa,as the other deposits documents have been consficated and
seized by the government of Madam Gloria, the President.

But,this one is the only one they could not see,as I did kept the
documents with one of my close confidant, who was also arrested. The
Amount being deposited is much about 10.2 million Euros,
as this was the money that was supposed to be used by the President to
aquire some properties in America, Europe and Africa.All, I want from
you, now is honesty and sincerity,as, as soon as this money is claimed
by you, I will look for a way out and sneaked out of Philippines and
travel down to meet you,as the demourage of the consignment is
increasing day to day, moreover,I have been paying the sum of about 40
Euros daily.So we can go into a life time partnership together,in
investing this money in your country and anywhere else you prefer. I
will send you my Photo, which I have with me and the Only one left.My
private mail address is below, please do reply via it.

Sincerely yours,
Madam Laarni E.Enriquez

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