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Subject[announce] mountlo 0.1 - loopback mounting in userspace
This program works similarly to "mount -o loop", but the filesystem
runs in userspace, making it possible for non-root users to safely
loopback mount filesystem images.

It works by starting a UML (User Mode Linux) instance, mounting the
image in there, and exporting the resulting data through FUSE.

This is a first release and is really stupid: you can't even specify
the filesystem type or any mount options. But for filesystems that
mount can recognize it works fine.

A binary compiled for i386 is available (2.1M) [1]. Requirements for
running the binary are:

o FUSE-2.2 or greater, or kernel module from recent -mm kernel
o Any Linux version supported by the above (>= 2.4.21 basically)

To compile from source, the following components are needed:

o Linux 2.6.11 kernel source (35M) [2]
o FUSE 2.3-pre4 source (350k) [3]
o mountlo 0.1 source (15k) [4]

Mount time is about 0.5 sec, which is ghastly compared to native
kernel mount, but not so bad considering, that a complete kernel boot
with initramfs unpacking, etc. is in there. Other than this I haven't
done any performance measurements.

Comments, patches, offers to take over maintenance are welcome ;)


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