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As the commits list probably isn't working at present I'll cc linux-kernel
on this lot. Fairly cruel, sorry, but I don't like the idea of people not
knowing what's hitting the main tree.

This is the first live test of Linus's git-importing ability. I'm about
to disappear for 1.5 weeks - hope we'll still have a kernel left when I
get back.

- As we're still a fair way from 2.6.12 and things are still backing up,
it's a relatively large update.

- Various arch updates

- Big x86_64 update, as discussed

- decent-sized ppc32, ppc64 updates

- big infiniband update

- very nearly the last batch of u32->pm_message_t conversions. Some
other bits of this will be sitting out in subsystem trees - this is just
the stuff which doesn't overlap.

- the important fixes from the md, nfs4 queues

- other random fixes and things we probably want to have in 2.6.12.

- I'd draw especial Linus attention to:

"fix crash in entry.S restore_all" and
"pci enumeration on ixp2000: overflow in kernel/resource.c"

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