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SubjectHow to add source files in kernel
Hi All,

I am trying to add 2 new files (a .h and a .c) in the kernel. I copied my
.h file in /include/linux and .c in /net/core. I then made the
following change to the Makefile in /net/core.

obj-y := sock.o skbuff.o iovec.o datagram.o scm.o split_helper.o

where split_helper.o is for the .c file that I am adding.

The kernel recompilation went without any problems. I wrote loadable
module programs that can access the functions defined in .c. When I try to
install these modules, they came back with the following error

/sbin/insmod x.o
x.o: unresolved symbol enqueue_sfi
x.o: unresolved symbol init_skbuff_list
x.o: unresolved symbol get_head_sfi
x.o: unresolved symbol search_sfi
x.o: unresolved symbol enqueue_skbuff_list
x.o: unresolved symbol init_head_sfi
Hint: You are trying to load a module without a GPL compatible license
and it has unresolved symbols. Contact the module supplier for
assistance, only they can help you.

make: *** [install] Error 1

These functions are defined in the .c file and declared with the extern
keyword in the .h file. In my modules I am including the .h file.

Any suggestions on what I might be missing here ?

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