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SubjectDummy vt for XFree86 ?

Is there a way to prevent VT switching for XFree86 ?

I have two gfx cards and want to start an X server on the secondary
card, while leaving the VTs on the primary card active.

So I need XFree86 not to allocate and cause a switch to a new VT.
Since I know of no way to make XFree86 do that, I wonder if I can
give XFree86 some fake vt on its command line, like :

X :0 vt_dummy

Is this possible with a 2.6.x series kernel ?

Any other way to prevent X taking away "focus" from the primary card ?

( please ignore any possible issues with the keyboard, that may arise
when having X and text VT active at the same time )

David Balazic

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