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SubjectLinux CPU Scheduler Documentation

I have written an introduction to the Linux CPU scheduler
implementation. It should help people to understand what is going on in
the scheduler code faster than they would be able to by just reading
through the code. The paper can be downloaded in PDF or LyX form from here:

This paper will never be "done," as I'd like to keep improving it over
time, and updating it to newer versions of the kernel as time allows. If
you have comments, suggestions, or corrections you'd like to make,
please email me. Technical corrections in particular would be
appreciated. Hopefully this can be as accurate and helpful as possible,
and will inspire more people to look into the Linux scheduler.

My employer, SGI, did not ask me to write this paper - it was done as
part of a school project last semester. While SGI owns the copyright to
the paper, they have allowed me to release it under the GNU FDL.

Josh Aas
Linux System Software
Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI)

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