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Subject[PATCH][2.6-mm] kgdb documentation fix

Please apply.


Update Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules to conform
to the current kernel's module data structure.

Signed-Off-By: Matthias Urlichs <>


===== Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules 1.1 vs edited =====
--- 1.1/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules 2005-02-12 12:44:54 +01:00
+++ edited/Documentation/i386/kgdb/gdbinit-modules 2005-02-12 20:12:45 +01:00
@@ -60,87 +60,90 @@
# $mod is set to NULL. This ensure to not add symbols for a wrong
# address.
+# Sat Feb 12 20:05:47 CET 2005
+# Adapted to the 2.6.* module data structure.
+# (Getting miffed at gdb for not having "offsetof" in the process :-/ )
+# Autogenerate add-symbol-file statements from the module list instead
+# of relying on a no-longer-working program.
+# Matthias Urlichs <>
# Have a nice hacking day !
define mod-list
- set $mod = (struct module*)module_list
- # the last module is the kernel, ignore it
- while $mod != &kernel_module
- printf "%p\t%s\n", (long)$mod, ($mod)->name
- set $mod = $mod->next
+ set $lmod = modules->next
+ # This is a circular data structure
+ while $lmod != &modules
+ set $mod = (struct module *)(((char *)$lmod) - ((int)&(((struct module *)0) -> list)))
+ printf "%p\t%s\n", $mod, $mod->name
+ set $lmod = $lmod->next
document mod-list
List all modules in the form: <module-address> <module-name>
Use the <module-address> as the argument for the other
mod-commands: mod-print-symbols, mod-add-symbols.

+define mod-list-syms
+ set $lmod = modules->next
+ # This is a circular data structure
+ while $lmod != &modules
+ set $mod = (struct module *)(((char *)$lmod) - ((int)&(((struct module *)0) -> list)))
+ printf "add-symbol-file %s.ko %p\n", $mod->name, $mod->module_core
+ set $lmod = $lmod->next
+ end
+document mod-list-syms
+List all modules in the form: add-symbol-file <module-path> <module-core>
+for adding modules' symbol tables without
define mod-validate
- set $mod = (struct module*)module_list
- while ($mod != $arg0) && ($mod != &kernel_module)
- set $mod = $mod->next
+ set $lmod = modules->next
+ set $mod = (struct module *)(((char *)$lmod) - ((int)&(((struct module *)0) -> list)))
+ while ($lmod != &modules) && ($mod != $arg0)
+ set $lmod = $lmod->next
+ set $mod = (struct module *)(((char *)$lmod) - ((int)&(((struct module *)0) -> list)))
- if $mod == &kernel_module
- set $mod = 0
- printf "%p is not a module\n", $arg0
+ if $lmod == &modules
+ set $mod = 0
+ printf "%p is not a module\n", $arg0
document mod-validate
mod-validate <module-address>
Internal user-command used to validate the module parameter.
-If <module> is a real loaded module, set $mod to it otherwise set $mod to 0.
+If <module> is a real loaded module, set $mod to it, otherwise set $mod
+to 0.

define mod-print-symbols
mod-validate $arg0
if $mod != 0
- set $i = 0
- while $i < $mod->nsyms
- set $sym = $mod->syms[$i]
- printf "%p\t%s\n", $sym->value, $sym->name
- set $i = $i + 1
- end
+ set $i = 0
+ while $i < $mod->num_syms
+ set $sym = $mod->syms[$i]
+ printf "%p\t%s\n", $sym->value, $sym->name
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
+ set $i = 0
+ while $i < $mod->num_gpl_syms
+ set $sym = $mod->gpl_syms[$i]
+ printf "%p\t%s\n", $sym->value, $sym->name
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
document mod-print-symbols
mod-print-symbols <module-address>
-Print all exported symbols of the module. see mod-list
-define mod-add-symbols-align
- mod-validate $arg0
- if $mod != 0
- set $mod_base = ($mod->size_of_struct + (long)$mod)
- if ($arg2 != 0) && (($mod_base & ($arg2 - 1)) != 0)
- set $mod_base = ($mod_base | ($arg2 - 1)) + 1
- end
- add-symbol-file $arg1 $mod_base
- end
-document mod-add-symbols-align
-mod-add-symbols-align <module-address> <object file path name> <align>
-Load the symbols table of the module from the object file where
-first section aligment is <align>.
-To retreive alignment, use `objdump -h <object file path name>'.
+Print all exported symbols of the module. See mod-list

-define mod-add-symbols
- mod-add-symbols-align $arg0 $arg1 sizeof(long)
-document mod-add-symbols
-mod-add-symbols <module-address> <object file path name>
-Load the symbols table of the module from the object file.
-Default alignment is 4. See mod-add-symbols-align.
-define mod-add-lis
- mod-add-symbols-align $arg0 /usr/src/LiS/streams.o 16
-document mod-add-lis
-mod-add-lis <module-address>
-Does mod-add-symbols <module-address> /usr/src/LiS/streams.o
Matthias Urlichs | {M:U} IT Design @ |[unhandled content-type:application/pgp-signature]
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