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Subject2.6.10 USB devices generate descriptor read error?
Is anybody else having a similar problem as the

My USB keydrives use to work fine in 2.6.9.
Since I upgraded to 2.6.10 now they just
generate a device descriptor read error.


/var/log/kern.log.0:Jan 26 18:18:18 mail kernel: usb 4-2.1:
device descriptor read/64, error -32

Also I noticed that a new Sigmatel based USB IRDA
device also produces similar messages...

/var/log/kern.log:Jan 27 12:31:19 mail kernel: usb 2-2: device
descriptor read/64, error -71

Is this a known problem or is it just me?

I noticed that the precompiled debian 2.6.10 kernel
works with at least the usb flash drive ok. But my
compiled version produces the above.

But I don't think I changed any relevant kernel config
items from 2.6.9 to 2.6.10 and I've compiled lots of
USB enabled kernels before so I'd like to think I'm
not an idiot but maybe I missed a new option or

Please help,

- Jeff

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