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SubjectUSB problem with a mass storage device on 2.6.10

I have a PQI 1GB Intelligent Stick, which does'nt work most of the
time on 2.6.10 (sometime when I plug/unplug it does work, but most of
the time it does'nt)

When it does not work, I see this when I plug it:

kernel: usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6
kernel: usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4
kernel: usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 5

When it does work, I only see the first one (high speed), and then USB
mass storage stuff.

On kernel 2.6.9 it does work, but seems to produce a kernel crash (log
attached) (but I still can use it and mount it)

I tried on a knoppix 3.6 (2.6.7, not vanilla) kernel, and it seems to work too.

Even with 2.6.10 I have no problem with some other USB mass storage devices.

I already did a post about this, but the subject of the mail was wrong
(sorry), and it was not mailed to linux-usb:

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