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SubjectRe: DRM function pointer work..
--- Keith Whitwell <> wrote:
> Sorry, I don't buy it. Graphics drivers are a special case and
> people upgrade them with a passion... No new interfaces, thankyou.

I get a new kernel from Redhat about every two weeks. Redhat is at
2.6.7 and Linus is at 2.6.8. Nobody releases graphics drivers faster
than that. Why do you want to build a new release mechanism that
bypasses the kernel one?

If people are upgrading faster that every two weeks I would classify
them as developers or people that can deal with broken drivers. That
class of person can deal with pulling the code from CVS and copying it
into their kernel tree.

There are three main ways to get a driver:
1) vendor release - most stable, I get one every two weeks
2) Linus bk - very up to date, not as well tested, once a day
3) copy DRM CVS into Linus bk - bleeding edge, hope you know what you
are doing.

Besides, DRM drivers are relatively stable. It's the user space stuff
that is volatile.

> Keith

Jon Smirl

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